# The Arcades Project - #push [[arcades project]] - a [[book]]. - ...sort of. - perhaps closer to a [[hypertext]], before those existed. - maybe a [[scrapbook]]. maybe a [[draft]]. maybe a [[collection of notes]]. - #push [[walter benjamin]] contemporaries - quotes from: [[marcel proust]] [[paul valéry]] [[louis aragon]] [[andré breton]] [[georg simmel]] [[ernst bloch]] [[siegfried kracauer]] [[theodor adorno]] - [[foreword]] - in the words of the translator of our edition, the items on display ([[drafts]], [[excerpts]]) give rise to "[[a world of secret affinities]]". - [[benjamin]] abandoned the work in [[1940]] as he had to flee [[paris]]. - [[benjamin]] wrote to [[gershom scholem]] on [[1934]] and said that "not a syllable of the actual text of the [[passagenarbeit]] exists yet". So perhaps what we've got is essentially only [[notes]] for a work that was never written. - but perhaps what we got is closer to what [[benjamin]] had in mind as an end state; he had experimented with [[montage]] before. - it contains [[oppressive chunks of quotations]]. - [[convolutes]] - #push [[nineteenth century types]] - [[flaneur]] - [[collector]] - [[gambler]] - [[exposé of 1935]] - [[iron]] - [[glass]] - [[fourier]] the [[utopian]] - [[phalanstery]] - influenced [[zola]], [[marx]]